hey! welcome to the blog.

A few weeks ago, I got to visit my little (or not-so-little anymore) brother and his family. For once, I got to be just an aunt and spend quality time with my niece and new nephew. It’s so fun to see their personalities already emerging. Raleigh loves to sing and dance and Cohen is the […]

December 24, 2016

2nd Day of Christmas: Auntie

It was so fun to play with this cutie pie and take some sweet portraits of her wonderful family. As you can see, her favorite thing is clapping and snuggling with her mama and daddy. She has the most beautiful eyes! They shine so brightly when she smiles and laughs. She is a precious gift […]

December 24, 2016

The 4th Day of Christmas – Little Miss Cleo

One day the first shall be last and the last shall be first… that’s what happened at this session, anyway, with a game of follow the leader! The littlest led the way and had a ball running around an open field on a warm… November day! The rest of us tried to keep up…when there is […]

December 23, 2016

5th day of Christmas: Follow the leader

I loved capturing the first days of this precious girl’s life. She is growing now like a little flower and has captured the hearts of her daddy and mama and maybe even her pup’s. And now they can hardly remember life before she was born. But just to remind them, I included some of my […]

December 14, 2016

11th Day of Christmas: Leah Rose

Even though sibling rivalry is probably at its height in their relationship (although I didn’t see it!), Will is Lexi’s big brother and she looks up to him… except when it comes to surfing. There is no arguing about that one, she is definitely the better surfer, even Will agrees. During the shoot, Lexi was […]

October 22, 2015

The Connolly Family

I’ve never spit on a crab, but Barron challenged me to do it. Apparently, he’s pretty good because he has lots of practice. This is the first for me. Needless to say, this was one of the most fun sessions I’ve done in a while. Barron and Sydney are two rambunctious kiddos just like mine […]

September 8, 2015

Spitting on Crabs

Say hello to the new look of Lindsay Corrigan Photography! I’m so unbelievably excited to reveal this site after over a year in the making. It was a labor of love and learning and I’m so glad it is finally complete. This website really represents the experience I want to bring to my clients and […]

August 13, 2015

Win a Shoot!

In Kentucky, the sun goes down a lot later than in Eastern NC. So around 8pm, when I ventured out with Josiah’s brother and his family to the front ridge of his parents’ ranch, we were right in the middle of the golden hour in all it’s perfection. We live 11 hours apart so I […]

July 17, 2015

Kentucky Corrigans

Hi there! I'm Lindsay Corrigan and I create authentic and beautiful natural light portraits for families, dancers and graduating seniors in Eastern North Carolina.



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truth & beauty in portraits.
